"Candidiasis or thrush is a fungal infection (mycosis) of any of the Candida species (all yeasts), of which Candida albicans is the most common. Also commonly referred to as a yeast infection, candidiasis is also technically known as candidosis, and oidiomycosis." (Wikipedia).
Medical Researcher, Nutritionist, Health Consultant and Former Yeast Infection Sufferer Teaches You How To: Cure Vaginal, Male and Oral Yeast Infections End Digestive Disorders and Allergies Eliminate Fatigue and Muscle Aches Stop Migraines, Mood Swings and Brain Fog Reverse All Skin Related Yeast Infections Stop The Rashes, Burning, Itching and Discomfort Regain Lost Energy and Vitality Save 1000's of Dollars On Drugs and Doctor Visits Improve The Quality Of Your Life Dramatically! |
Discover How She's Healed Herself From Chronic Candida Yeast Infection and Taught Thousands Of People Worldwide To Be Permanently Free From All Types of Yeast Infections: Without Creams Or Lotions Even If You Have Very Severe Candida Infection Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible! |
by Linda Allen - Certified Nutrition Specialist, Health Consultant, Medical Researcher and Author
Dear Candida Yeast Infection Sufferer,
You're about to discover what might be the most powerful Candida Yeast Infection cure system ever developed. It's the same system thousands of people, just like you, used to permanently cure their Yeast Infection and achieve permanent freedom from candida.
My name is Linda Allen and over the past 12 years, through a long process of trial, error and experimentation, I have developed a sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, clinically researched system that is backed by 35,000+ hours of nutritional expertise for eliminating yeast infection for good. This is a very rare, highly unique and potently powerful candida infection healing system, which very few people even know exists...
If you are suffering from any of the above symptoms, you can rest assured that I am going to help you reverse and eventually eliminate these symptoms and afflictions from your life by following a safe and simple 5-step holistic system. If you would like to learn how to cure your candida yeast infection permanently ... and regain your health and wellbeing, without drugs, without typical yeast infection treatments, and without any side effects, then this will be the most important letter you will ever read. I guarantee it and I've got the results to prove it!
Before we proceed, let me reveal 5 of the most important facts that you need to know regarding your candida yeast infection in order to fully understand the nature of Candida infection and what really needs to be done in order to fully control and eliminate its related symptoms for good. Fact #1:There Is an Overload of Conflicting Information and Often Ineffective Advice on How To Treat Yeast InfectionsIf you suffer from any type of yeast infection, it is highly likely that you have been bombarded by so much conflicting advice about how to treat candida infection that it becomes truly confusing! Believe me, I understand! Some yeast infection "gurus" tell you to avoid all fruits, soy and carbs, others tell you that soy is actually good for your health and that eating whole grains and some fruit wouldn't interfere with your yeast infection healing process. Some say boric or caprylic acid are excellent; others say avoid these at all costs. Some say apple cider vinegar is great for treating external yeast infections, others tell you it can actually aggravate your condition. Some say the only way to cure yeast infections is to starve Candida with an anti-Candida diet, others say diet is not a factor when it comes to curing yeast infection, probiotics are. I can give you a dozen more examples but you get the point. Fact #2: Men, Children, and Babies Suffer From Yeast Infections, Not Just Women. Contrary to common belief, yeast infections do not effect women only. Since candida yeast infection is a systematic problem with deep rooted internal causes, it can effect anyone : Men, women, children and babies . Candida yeast infection can be severe or dormant and can manifest itself in a myriad of symptoms, both physical and emotional, external and internal. Fact #3: Yeast Infection Symptoms Vary From One Person To Another and Often Change As The Candida Infection Develops Since each of us has: 1. Different candida infection severities 2. Different levels of immune strength 3. Different levels of healthy probiotics 4. Varying levels of stress 5. Several other individual factors that affect the ability of candida to multiply and to cause harm The symptoms of candida infection vary from one person to another.Moreover, because candida develops in time and due to different genetic makeup, symptoms can change from one day to another in the same person. This is the one of the reasons that one person can suffer from genital yeast infection and migraines and the other person with Candida yeast infection can experience rashes, allergies, oral thrush and chronic fatigue. Fact #4: Drugs, Creams or Probiotics Cannot Cure Candida Infection. Drugs, creams and lotions are designed to tackle the symptoms of yeast infections, not the real cause. This is why most conventional treatments for candida infection which work as a temporary band aid solution, fail to work in the long run. Even probiotic therapy which is considered an alternative, natural treatment that re-establishes the balance between the good bacteria and the bad bacteria in your digestive tract, fails to work in the long run simply because the root cause of Candida infection is still ignored. Fact #5: Candida Infection is Not a Myth But a Serious Condition That Can Cause Great Harm To Your Body If Neglected. Let's make this clear: Candida infection is not a problem with your skin, genitals, head, muscles or bones. Candida infection is an internal and systematic problem. It's a disorder that effects your whole body and manifests in a myriad of symptoms. Since our bodies are designed to protect us against the takeover of microorganisms such as candida albicans, when you do have yeast infection, it is simply a big warning sign that something is WRONG inside your body and that it needs to be corrected. Failing to diagnose and fix this problem in a timely manner can results is far more severe and chronic symptoms and disorders (as I explain later) which can seriously danger your health and well-being. What Makes This Breakthrough System So Unique is That it Gives You The Power To...
Who I Am And Why You Should Listen To Me There are thousands of yeast infection programs and dozens of people claiming to be experts. However, very few of these so-called "candida infection experts" practice what they preach or have the credentials to back up their claims. Since you're probably wondering how this program is different, here's the whole story: I've been involved in the alternative health industry as a medical researcher, health consultant, certified nutritionist and freelance writer for nearly 17 years. I'm also the author and co-author of several best selling alternative health books and dozens of articles. Holistic health is my life - it's all I've ever done.
I battled with candida yeast infection for years. Just like you, I have experienced all the painful, annoying and embarrassing symptoms associated with candida infection: burning, constant itching, discharge, rashes, occasional trips to the doctor and taking myriad of prescription medications and over the counters that showed little to no results. Since Yeast Infection No More was first published in 2004, approx 138,000 people around the globe had used the techniques within the book and had completely changed their lives. The Big Discoveries That Changed Everything For Me… The first thing I discovered was that almost everyone is getting ripped off by the drug and pharmaceutical companies. The Yeast Infection and drug industries are filled with snake oil marketing vampires that are getting rich by preying on your desperation. The second thing I discovered is that almost everyone is dead wrong in the way they perceive and treat their Yeast Infection. It's a fact, the methods you're probably using right now to clear your Yeast Infection might be severely damaging your internal system and your health. You must UNDERSTAND and only then DEAL with the deep-rooted elements that stand behind the candida yeast infection condition you're experiencing. This is the only way to permanent freedom from yeast infections. Here are 2 of these fundamental elements: 1. Candida Yeast Infection Is A Systematic Problem In Your Body As already mentioned earlier, while candida yeast infection manifests in a myriad of external, internal or emotional symptoms, the deep rooted cause of these symptoms is not a problem with the skin, muscle or intimate parts- it's a systematic problem that concerns your whole body. When Candida shifts from non-pathogenic to pathogenic form, it can send its spores to settle in almost every organ in your body causing damage and yeast infection symptoms within or in the area of that organ (lungs, sinuses, skin, mouth, vagina, lymphatic system, esophagus, toenails). The human body often fails to kill the spores and there are no drugs that can help you tackle and eliminate the spores. Unless you treat your yeast infection as a dangerous systematic problem, you are most likely to develop much more serious conditions in the future. The moment you understand that simple fact and handle your candida yeast infections correctly and in a timely manner, you can literally control and eliminate almost all types of yeast infections simply, easily and safely. My program shows you EXACTLY to utilize this approach. 2.Diet, Anti Fungals or Probiotics Alone Cannot Cure Candida Infection While diet is an important factor for tackling candida yeast infections, it's definitely not enough to overcome such a deep rooted condition. Diet does not eliminate the cause of candida infection and the same goes for anti-fungals such as oregano oil or olive leaf. Anti-fungals may kill the candida in your intestines but because this treatment fails to address the REAL cause of the yeast overgrowth, you will still experience yeast infections after a while. Taking probiotics will yield the same temporary effect. Moreover, in order to fully control candida infection you have to know which anti-fungals to take, for how long, how much and when to take them. You also have to know which probiotic to take and when and this is just a small piece of the puzzle. The Yeast Infection No More program is a unique, accurate and powerful set of protocols to overcome the yeast infections and set the road to freedom from this debilitating condition. Yeast Infection Lotions, Creams, and Ointments Don't Work and Can Significantly Aggravate Your Condition WARNING: Candida Yeast Infection Can Be Very Dangerous If Left Untreated Candida Albicans overgrowth can be very dangerous: When Candida shifts from non-pathogenic to pathogenic form, it produces root-like structures called rhizoids, that penetrate the intestinal walls and create holes in the walls of the intestines. This enables the yeast, toxic waste, bacteria and undigested food to enter the blood stream causing many unpleasant and often dangerous conditions such as: leaky gut syndrome, severe rashes, brain fog, acid reflux, memory loss, joint pain and severe inflammation and yeast in the sinuses and lungs. When candida becomes systemic it can virtually penetrate and manifest itself within every organ it settles in. It can be the lungs, sinuses, mouth, vagina, lymphatic system, esophagus, toenails, brain and the urinary tract. That is why yeast infection is so dangerous when left untreated. It is also a well known fact that candida yeast produce (as a waste product) more than 75 toxic substances that poison the human body. The two major toxins (canditoxin and ethanol) have a negative effect on our brain and can significantlyinterfere with our biochemical processes. Note that Canditoxin and Ethanol that are released into your blood stream are the SAME dangerous toxins that when injected into rats, had caused paralysis of the limbs and ultimately death. In humans Canditoxin and Ethanol cause a myriad of health problems: vaginal yeast infection, dry itchy skin, oral thrush, skin rashes, eczema, joint pain, stomach bloating, chronic diarrhea, arthritis, constipation, heartburn, blisters in the mouth, restless sleep, lack of energy, brain fog, chronic sinus problems, jumpy legs, headaches, blurred vision, mood swings, sugary food cravings, food allergies, jock and rectal itching, body chills, athlete's foot, etc. Yeast Infection is A Message From Your Body Telling You Something Is WRONG Inside Your body sends you messages all the time. Most of us ignore the majority of them. Yeast Infection is after all a desperate message from your body telling you something is wrong inside. The only way you can ever cure your Yeast Infection is from within by listening to what your body is trying to tell you, work with it and free yourself. For more information, please read this... |
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